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Fact check

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"La pression épidémique reste forte mais elle se réduit, plus encore en France que dans les autres pays européens"

Nov 25 Update, v2

2 minute read

It’s November 25 2020, and we’re now almost 1 month into our second-wave confinement that started on Oct 28.

Confinement 2: A New Hope

1 minute read

Let’s ressurect this blog on a cheerful note. 3 weeks into our 2nd confinement here in France, the not-so-big secret is it is indeed getting better.*

Get Strava ride data with Python & Pandas

2 minute read

After spending the past 2.5 months madly finishing up projects, cycling took a serious back seat. Which is OK, because as you will see, cycling took the driv...